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Jacob McMillen's Copy Course Review: “The Internet's Best Copywriting Course”

Writer's picture: Krista FrahmKrista Frahm

Updated: Feb 16, 2024

Are you stuck and frustrated with your current job — scanning the internet for options?

Teaching, healthcare, food service, social work, retail, or any other industry — you want a change. But you're not sure if any of the ads you see, claiming to give you time freedom and money are legit.

Been there — felt the burnout — made the transition to copywriting.

And if I can swing this, so can you.

welcome to the Krista Frahm Agency OT copywriting blog. This site has affiliate links & I may earn a small commission for purchases made through these links. You'll only find links for programs I love and recommend. If you have questions, send me a message!

Wading through lists of courses online is like reading a menu in a language you don't speak. Course reviews helped me sort through options when I transitioned my career, so I’m providing the same for future copywriters.

I’ve vetted Jacob McMillen's course, The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course, to make your decision easier.

Jacob's course is comprehensive and less expensive than other courses such as WYWTF, which is the course I took to launch my career. (You can find reviews for WYWTF here.)

MANY people have asked me about WYWTF, but the number 1 objection I hear is… cost. So I knew I needed another legit option to share with people.


📝 Side Note About Reviews & Affiliates:

Affiliate marketing used to make me cringe because it felt inauthentic. That goes directly against two of my primary values -- AUTHENTICITY and TRANSPARENCY.

So, I only share resources I wholeheartedly believe in. You’ll find honest feedback, even when it’s awkward. (If you’re ever curious about something… drop me a message on IG @kristafrahmagency too. I’m happy to answer.)


Why Review Jacob McMillen’s Course?

Jacob is a coach in the Alchemy Mastermind program I’m in. I met him in real life… but I haven’t (yet) taken his course. In the mastermind, he’s hosted Q&A sessions, taught lessons, and provided direct feedback to us about our businesses and copy. During a mastermind retreat, I was able to get to know him more and vet him as a human and business owner. I tend to be a bit apprehensive about big-name people.

I wasn’t expecting to like Jacob because his initial vibes were very SoCal + baseball player… which in my mind = arrogant. (Sorry, but that was my honest, snap judgment!)

You know what though? He’s down to earth. He's been supportive during my mastermind program, although he'll be the first to give us a swift kick in the arse instead of coddling. It's exactly what we need sometimes.

⚾ Also… he never played baseball… so I was wrong on that as well. Strikeout!

It's ok, I can admit when I'm wrong.

In this copywriting course review, you’ll find an in-depth look at Jacob McMillen’s course content, the pros and cons, and how it compares to other courses on the market. The goal is to give you a better understanding of whether The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course is actually the best option for you. (Or not) You can always hop over to his sales page by clicking here to learn even more.

Bonus: Jacob will deliver loads of free information to your inbox when you drop your email address on his website. So if you do nothing else after reading this article, join his list and learn copy for free.

Here’s the rundown of what’s covered in this review.

Use the links to jump ahead if you’d like!

Who Is Jacob McMillen Anyway, Is He a Legit Copywriter?

Before we go any further, you may be wondering… Who the heck is Jacob McMillen?

You’re wise to ask. The internet has a lot of self-proclaimed experts with no significant results or time in the industry to back up their claims. Jacob is not one of these people — he has industry experience and a proven track record with copywriting.

Here’s a quick rundown on his background:

Jacob’s an accounting grad from the Bay Area who paid for college by doing door-to-door book sales. He then found online marketing, copywriting, and content writing. He quickly began doubling his income and earning consistent six figures as a copywriter. He also built a solid reputation for crafting compelling, money-making content that resonates with audiences.

(That’s a copywriter’s dream, right?)

👉 In my opinion, people who write for a year (or less) and then stop writing and start teaching others how to create a business are similar to the people who have ONE child and then write a parenting book… IYKYK.

So it’s important to note that he built a successful, sustainable copywriting business before jumping over to teaching others how to create copywriting businesses.

Jacob’s aim is to have the best copywriting content (both free and paid) on the internet in order to support copywriters of all income levels and backgrounds. That’s a big, admirable goal.

Take a spin through his email sequence, blogs, and YouTube channel. You’ll find an incredible amount of free and helpful content. His website also had loads of positive reviews that showcase how many people have been helped by his courses.

So, yes. Jacob McMillen is a legit copywriter who is actively working in the copywriting industry.

Why did Jacob Create a Copywriting Course? [Answers for the Reddit Q's]

A question I often see asked — especially on forums like Reddit, is this...

“If Jacob is a super successful copywriter… then why did he create a course instead of continuing to bring in money copywriting?”

I can be a skeptic too, so I don’t fault people for asking this question.

Being a curious (and direct) person, I decided to ask Jacob. It's the easiest way to find the answer, right?

He said he had started building an email list from all the free content he was publishing… and the number 1 request he got from subscribers was “Please make a course!”

But… there were already a zillion copywriting courses on the internet, and he wasn’t sure if there was a need for One. More. Course.

And yet… many copywriters were struggling to succeed despite having nearly endless resources available online. So he started asking why some copywriters succeeded and some ended up back at their 9-5’s.

Problem 1: Most copywriting courses focused too heavily on getting better at writing

Learning to write copy well is 100% necessary... but you ALSO need to learn how to book quality clients consistently to succeed. Client acquisition and pitching your services makes or breaks your business.

As someone who struggled with selling my services and charging money, I can attest to the importance of guidance in SELLING your copywriting services vs just learning to become a great writer.

Problem 2: Many courses were very conceptual

This worked for some students who were willing to figure out copywriting by trial and error… but most people needed step-by-step, “impossible to misunderstand” guidance.

So he decided to give the email subscribers what they were asking for — and fill a gap that he saw in the market.

When you become a copywriter, you’ll find that your entrepreneurial plans often change. Your business will grow, change, and redirect in unexpected ways… it’s part of the journey!

Be prepared to make some U-turns when you become an entrepreneur...

Jacob didn't set out to create a course, but the market asked for a course so he answered.

The Three Steps in Jacob McMillen’s Copywriting Course

Jacob’s course includes video and written lessons to accommodate different learning styles, includes “homework” to guide you through building your business, and allows lifetime access — including any future updates and improvements.

He’s organized his program into three steps that claim to walk you from a newbie without copywriting experience all the way to a successful, highly-paid copywriter.

Let’s dive into these steps from Jacob’s copywriting course sales page, and my thoughts on them.

Step 1: Learn how to write exceptional copy that drives sales, excites clients, and puts money in your pocket.

Seems like a reasonable first step, right? If you want to be paid well… you need to become good at what you do!

Having been writing for a few years now, this part of his sales page caught my attention...

“At the end of the day, your client is the one paying your check, NOT the end users it’s written for. I’ll show you how to involve the client in a way that gets them excited about what you are writing while also driving sales and putting money in your pocket.”

There’s a lot of truth to that statement. I’ve written what I thought was exceptional copy, only to have my clients ask for it to be rewritten.

When this gut-wrenching feedback comes in, it’s often not because you’re a bad writer. The missing link is explaining the strategy behind copywriting vs academic writing. I write for clinicians who write at a post-graduate level. But that academic style of writing doesn’t work for blogs, websites, or sales funnels. Helping your client understand this difference and get on board with the style and strategy of copywriting is key to your success.

🌟 So, bonus points to Jacob for pointing this out and incorporating it into his courseeven if most writers won’t understand how important this is until they forget to implement his advice. (Not you though, you’ll remember how important it is to explain the style of copywriting to your clients.)

After you get a solid foundation with your writing skills — which won’t take more than a few months, you’ll be ready for step two.

Step 2: Learn how to land clients immediately AND build a stream of high-quality leads that come straight to you, month after month — no cold pitching or prospecting required.

🤨 That’s a hefty promise IMO.

NO cold pitching or prospecting required? That’s the part that makes me wonder what he has in this step. Because almost every copywriter I know prospects and does some cold-pitching — at least occasionally.

Also, know what my least favorite part of running a copywriting business is? Cold pitching clients. It gives me hives.

So when I read this step I was intrigued, and skeptical.

⬇️ But how he explains it makes sense.

You DO have to prospect and pitch clients — at first — to get money in fast.

Then (apparently) you learn how to implement a long-term strategy that fills your client pipeline… so you don’t have to KEEP cold-pitching foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeever.

The course covers three different ways to bring in consistent, quality leads so you can choose the one(s) that suit your personality and business the best.

I’m not sure what these three ways are… I’ll make a guess though and say it may be networking, SEO, and maybe repeat customers. When I figure it out I’ll update the blog.

When it comes to SEO, Jacob is most certainly someone I want to learn from — because he’s absolutely slaying the SEO game. He’s been consistently ranking on Google for high-competition words like “copywriter” for years.

I believe it’s important to have options as you figure out how to run your business, which is what Jacob provides in this step. SEO isn’t my jam… but maybe it will be yours and clients will pour into your inbox asking to work with you. ← That happens for copywriters in certain niches, I see them referring clients out or building an agency because they can’t keep up with the work.

🌟 So… points awarded for diversifying client acquisition and teaching students the long-game strategies early.

🧐 Uncertainty remains because I’m not sure what the methods are or how “easy” they are to master.

Just like you want to get away from cold-pitching clients forever… you’ll also want to bring your business and your reputation beyond the “newbie” phase, which is what the next step is all about.

Step 3: Learn how to set up and launch your freelance writing business, run it like a true professional, and become a recognized, sought-after authority in your niche.

On Jacob’s sales page, he says you only need steps one and two to hit six figures… which is probably technically true… but I don’t completely agree.

Running your business and showing up as a professional are critical aspects IMO — especially if you don’t want to end up burned out from copywriting as you are from your current job. Copywriting can run you into the ground if you're not careful. You need automations, systems, and clear expectations with clients — plus higher-paying clients.

Thankfully, even though he says you don’t need it to hit six-figures, he did include this step in his course, because you’re going to want it.

Jacob also says that if you follow his training, after a few years, you’ll become a recognized player in your niche and his six-figure friends in the marketing niche will know your name.

I’m curious how this plays out for people who take his course — if there are opportunities for networking or if he just has guidance and recommendations on networking that help people establish themselves as a leader.

If I take Jacob’s copywriting course, I’ll let you know if his six-figure copywriter friends know my name. 😉

But in all seriousness, having friends in the right places and getting your name out there certainly helps with marketability.

You may have heard the statement, “Your network is your net-worth” — and from what I’ve found, that statement holds true.

Don’t be fake or manipulative but DO build genuine, professional, and personal relationships with other copywriters, marketers, and industry leaders. You’ll have a much easier time building your business when you have a solid network.


A Quick Note About Reddit and Copywriting Course Reviews

Before we dive further into the course details, let’s talk about Reddit.

When you read Reddit reviews or chat threads— make sure they include legit information. I’ve read posts on Reddit about Jacob McMillen and other copywriting courses that were wildly inaccurate.

Some affiliate bloggers or course creators will also purposely seed false information and then guide you to their course instead. Always cross-reference what you read!

Also, with the use of ChatGPT on the rise, you need to be even more cautious and skeptical about what you read in blog posts. When I asked ChatGPT to create an article about Jacob McMillen’s course it generated a whole pile full of false information.


Modules in Jacob McMillen’s Copywriting Course

The information for this section was pulled straight from Jacob’s sales page. I’m guessing there are lessons within each module as well that further break down the information into bite-size chunks.

The five modules listed below fit within the three basic steps you just read about.

Here are 5 modules in Jacob’s copywriting course:

1. Learn How to Write Copy

The nuts and bolts of good website, email and long-form/blog copywriting

2. Learn How to Launch Your Freelance Business

Create your brand and website. He covers how to do this on a shoestring budget vs investing more up-front into systems to save you time.

3. Learn How to Get Clients NOW

Pitch effectively and get money into your bank account as fast as possible

4. Learn How to Bring Clients To You

Implement the long-game for client acquisition so you don’t have to pitch clients for-ev-er

5. Learn How to Become More Than A Writer

Grow past just writing and into consultation as an authority in your niche so you get paid more for your work.

Jacob revamped the modules in 2022 so they include video lessons, written lessons, and “homework” so you can take small, consistent steps toward your goals instead of getting stuck consuming endless lessons.

📝 Homework sounds like no fun, right?

But the point is you have to DO the work in order to master copywriting.

Just like you wouldn’t be able to become a black belt by watching informative karate videos… you’re not going to become a six-figure copywriter just by watching Jacob’s videos. Whip out your pen, fire up your computer, and get to work.

Jacob is still involved in the copywriting industry and paying attention to how students in his course are doing. This is a great indication of a good program compared to the many online courses that have been essentially abandoned by the creator.

May 2023 Update:
Jacob is adding lessons about how to leverage AI in copywriting. He's diving all-in to GPT and other AI platforms, and he's updating his copywriting course to ensure students stay up to date and learn how to use AI to create better work, faster.

The involvement of the creator, as well as ongoing work in the industry are factors I considered when choosing a course to launch my copywriting career. There was no way I wanted outdated or half-ass information if I was going to spend thousands of dollars to start a business. 😉

🌟 Bonus points for being active in marketing and copywriting and giving a rip how students are doing.

Pros and Cons of Jacob McMillen’s Copywriting Course [Review]

There are certainly no perfect online courses — despite what each course creator will tell you.

Like any other course, Jacob McMillen’s copywriting course has pros and cons. Let’s take a look at them below:

Pros of “The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course”

Practical and actionable advice

Jacob doesn’t beat around the bush or add fluff to anything he does. When he gives advice, it often focuses on simplifying, streamlining, and NOT overthinking. More often than not, it’s just what I need to hear — because I’m an A+ overthinker. 🙄

His course content provides practical advice and actionable tips that are designed to help students improve their copywriting skills quickly. The course is structured in a way that encourages active learning and application of concepts.

A relatively affordable copywriting course

Affordability is totally relative, right?

For context, I paid 2K for my first copywriting course when I launched my business. That course is now $5800, which is admittedly a hefty price tag when you’re not yet sure that everything will work out.

For comparison, Jacob’s copywriting course is $997… a fraction of the cost.

There are cheaper and even free options on the market. Jacob’s email welcome sequence is even packed with information and value.

I signed up after a year and a half of copywriting and still learned some new things. (An email welcome sequence includes the emails that are automatically sent to you when you sign up for an email list. If you haven’t signed up yet, I recommend it — you’ll get a good feel for his style and personality.)

Another perk is the first payment for Jacob’s copywriting course can be as low as $108… which is substantially lower than most other courses out there.

Access to Jacob as the copywriting instructor

This is a very small pro in my opinion… because there’s very limited access. Jacob will answer questions from students via email... that's it.

The intention is that the course is comprehensive enough to walk you step-by-step through the entire process. If you want more access to a course instructor… you’ll have to pay more for the course. That’s just the reality of online businesses.

He does have an option to join another program called Write Minds. The goal of this group is to master AI to create better work, earn more money, and impact the future.

Write Minds includes access to Jacob and a community of writers through two weekly group calls. You'll also get a community of action-takers and periodic, guided business sprints where the whole community doubles-down on one business growth area.

It's only $20/month right now - read more about it HERE.

Cons of Jacob’s “The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course”

Access to Jacob as the copywriting instructor

Yep — I’m going to put this as a pro and con. 🤣

There are no live Q&A sessions, there’s not a community attached to the course, and you won’t get feedback on your copywriting.

The course only covers 3 types of copywriting

His copy course teaches you website, email, and long-form blog copywriting.

I’m a direct response/sales page copywriter, which are types of copywriting not covered in Jacob’s course.

I may think this is a drawback to the course… but Jacob only includes these three types of copy very intentionally. He says that when he was reviewing other copywriting courses, one thing he noticed was that courses covered WAY too much information which often led students into analysis paralysis.

I can see that… but I’m still counting it as a con — because this is my review, and I think sales pages and funnel copy are the coolest. 😉

Cost… again, it’s relative

In my opinion, the course isn’t overpriced considering what’s included… but a thousand dollars is also a lot of money if you’re stuck in a low wage job, have hefty student debt, are a single parent, are unemployed, or on maternity leave.

Again, there are pros and cons to every choice you make — even taking no action is a choice and has benefits and drawbacks. You can stay right where you are, doing the same thing you’re doing now, or you can take a calculated risk and invest in yourself.

If you want to become a copywriter, Jacob’s course is a relatively inexpensive, low-risk way to get started — and he has a solid reputation, great course reviews, and insider industry knowledge.

This course is a solid option if you’re looking to learn the basics of website, email and long-form blog copywriting and start a side-hustle or full-time business.

How Jacob McMillen’s Course Compares to Other Copywriting Courses

NOTE: As you’re reading reviews that compare courses… watch out for bait and switch articles.

Some affiliate marketers or course creators write an article that ranks well for a specific search term, such as, “Jacob McMillen’s copywriting course review” with no intention of writing an accurate review. The goal of their article is to rank for search results and then convince the reader to buy a different course. It's weird.

Now, back to Jacob McMillen's course comparison, because it's not the only option available:

“The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course” vs Inexpensive Copywriting courses

There are other copywriting courses that cost a few hundred dollars or are free. Many other courses are far less comprehensive, or they only teach one type of copy — typically blogging.

Most other courses also claim to teach you how to set up your business and where to find clients. I can’t vouch for the success of any of these other courses because I haven’t enrolled in them. I would read the testimonials, find reviews, check how long the instructor has been in the field, and figure out if they’ve proven their own skill set in the long-run instead of being a “one hit wonder” online.

I would also recommend looking for a course that teaches you a decent range of copywriting so you can choose the type of copy that fits your personality and preferences the best. I was 100% sure that I would only write blogs and not even learn other types of copy… then I learned I didn’t like writing blogs at all!

Direct response copy felt great and brought incredible results for my clients, so now it’s what I specialize in. Had I taken a course that only taught me about blogging I would’ve missed out on direct response completely.

I can’t compare Jacob McMillen’s course to every copywriting course on the internet, but I can compare it to Write Your Way to Freedom because WYWTF is the course I took to start my business and I’ve worked with it’s course creator, Sarah Turner for a few years now.

“Write Your Way to Freedom” vs “The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course”

If you’ve been on my website before, you may have read these blogs:

I’m a big fan of WYWTF, however I understand that the $5800 price tag is unattainable for many people. For a while, I didn’t have an answer when people asked for another recommendation.

When I joined the Alchemy Mastermind, I met Jacob McMillen and learned that he also had a copywriting course.

But still… just because Sarah trusted Jacob to come into her copywriting community didn’t mean I was ready to recommend his copywriting course to anyone else. (In fact, I thought maybe he was joining forces with WYWTF because his course was unsuccessful. Another inaccurate assumption on my part.)

It took about six months of interacting with Jacob during the Q&A sessions, reading about his course, seeing reviews, and meeting him in person (twice) before I decided to consider recommending his course as an alternative to WYWTF.

I even waited for a friend to join his copywriting course, and peppered her with questions about what was inside the course to make sure. (Crazy? Maybe. But I’m not going to recommend anything I don’t believe in!)

The two courses seem similar at first, but when you dig deeper they’re totally different and are ideal for different types of people.

Here’s a rundown of how each area of content differs between The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course and Write Your Way to Freedom

✍️ How to write copy well, from someone who has earned a lot of money writing copy.

Both Sarah and Jacob have earned great money writing copy and are leaders in the industry. They’re well known and respected copywriters.

  • Jacob’s course focuses on websites, emails, and long-form content/blogs only.

  • WYWTF teaches the three forms of copy that Jacob’s course does — as well a wider range of copy, including sales pages, landing pages, ads, white papers, and more.

✍️ How to start your copywriting business — from people who run successful businesses

Both courses talk about creating a brand, building a website, and choosing platforms.

  • WYWTF has a heavier focus on investing in platforms early to save you time and energy in the long-run. (But you can ask in the community how others are starting their businesses on a shoe-string budget!)

  • Jacob’s copywriting course teaches you how to start your business on an ultra-lean budget while maintaining quality as well as the option to invest more up front and save time/money in the long-run.

I’m curious to know what Jacob recommends for the budget-friendly option — because it’s probably better than what I pieced together! Also, sometimes, there is legitimately no money to invest when you’re starting out, and he seems to understand this and provide options for people who are in this position.

I went the ultra-cheap route when I was starting my business… trying to use free trials and then jump platforms, using free signature capture platforms where I had to rebuild my contract each time, and using a gmail account instead of a professional email. It worked… but I also spent WAY more hours doing admin tasks than was necessary. Hindsight is always 20/20, right?

✍️ Learn how to get clients

Both courses cover how to get clients, although their techniques and viewpoints differ. This is also reflected in how they run their respective businesses.

  • Jacob’s focus for his business is SEO and building a network/referrals. He is playing the long-game to attract clients to him by providing loads of helpful content online (Maybe you’ve seen his blogs and/or YouTube videos?) He doesn’t disclose exactly what marketing channels he teaches, but I’m willing to bet the focus is more on SEO and networking as well since he says it doesn’t include pitching, cold-calling or prospecting.

  • The WYWTF course focuses more on cold emailing clients. It also includes modules that cover LinkedIn, Facebook groups, referral programs, and Upwork. WYWTF also covers SEO, which can be applied to your website so you can work toward being the top search result when your ideal clients search for your services, but it’s not the main focus. Sarah built her business by leveraging paid ad funnels instead of SEO.

Here’s a funny thing… Sarah is now investing in improving SEO traffic… and Jacob is running some paid ads! So they’re both doing both methods now — business is an experiment.

✍️ Learn how to continue to expand your skillset and boost your income

Both Sarah and Jacob understand that writing is a lucrative career… AND providing consultation, strategy, and other services to your clients allows you to create larger packages/retainers and bring in more money.

  • Jacob has a module on becoming more than a writer, where he helps students learn the whole writing and copy ecosystem so you can provide better services overall.

  • WYWTF also includes a module called Adding to Your Skillset with Other Types of Copy. The lessons include websites, emails, landing pages, sales pages, product descriptions, white papers, VIP days, launch copy, and next-level offers.

When you boil it down, I see two major differences between the courses.

1️⃣ The level of support or contact is drastically different between WYWTF and Jacob’s copywriting course:

WYWTF has a heckuva lot more support and contact with the coaches and other students. There are weekly Q&A calls, twice-weekly Zoom coaching calls for your first year, and a community where you can ask questions and get solid advice from other writers and the coaches.

Now, in all reality this can also become a distraction. I’ve seen new writers attending every single coaching call when they don’t even have the foundations set yet… and they get overwhelmed. If you join WYWTF, do yourself a solid and spend a few months ONLY working through the core course content, then activate the extra coaching. I think it will help you get your footing and start earning money faster. You’ll absolutely feel like you’re “behind” and “missing something” — no doubt. But you’ll have access to the replays when you’re ready for them. As I say in my other blog, my top advice is to DO THE COURSE, in order, and take action.

The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course by Jacob doesn’t have a community or live calls where you can ask questions. I think this course is good for people who are ready to just “do the thing” — take action and build your business. If you already accept that you’ll be scared, have imposter syndrome, and screw up every now and then but you’re willing to keep moving forward — you’re light-years ahead of most people who want to start a copywriting business.

If you’re a driven action-taker and self sufficient, then you’ll do great with Jacob’s copywriting course.

2️⃣ The cost of the courses are also drastically different:

WYWTF is $5800 now, and you have to book a strategy call before you can join. The primary reason it’s more expensive is the level of support. I broke down the price and why it’s so expensive in this blog if you want all the nitty-gritty details.

Jacob McMillen's copywriting course is $997 and available to purchase at any time, without talking to a sales person. Plus you can get started for only $108, which is incredible!

Both of these courses can get you to your end goal of becoming a copywriter.

I recommend subscribing to both Jacob McMillen and Sarah Turner’s email lists and watching their YouTube videos.

Get a feel for their distinct teaching styles and vibe — see who you feel more comfortable with and which person seems to teach in a way you learn best.

I also recommend looking at the content of both courses and decide if Jacob McMillen’s course has the content you’re looking for. It does cover all the basics, and he’s a thorough instructor — so you’ll have loads of content to learn from. It may be the course you need to start your copywriting business and start earning money with your new remote, flexible career.

Both Jacob and Sarah are ethical, compassionate, and helpful humans — there’s not a wrong choice here. 😉

Well… if you make no choice at all I guess that could be the “wrong” choice. It means you’ll stay where you are dealing with whatever frustrations led you to search up this page in the first place.

Is “The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course” by Jacob McMillen worth the investment?

At the end of the day, that’s all you want to know, right?

After learning more about Jacob and his views on copywriting, meeting him in person, and working with him in a mastermind, I would say yes — his copywriting course is worth spending your hard-earned money on.

Jacob is a well-known, effective copywriter and his course has a proven track-record of students turned copywriters.

He is still an active copywriter and gets fantastic results for his clients as well as his own brand — which is exactly what I want from an instructor.

Jacob McMillen's copywriting course is a solid investment for anyone looking to start or grow their copywriting business. It provides a comprehensive overview of advanced copywriting techniques and includes exercises to help you develop your skills.

With a price tag of only $1,000, Jacob's course is significantly more affordable than other comparable courses on the market.

It is important to note that success in ANY course depends on your willingness to take action independently and do the work required.

As long as you’re willing to put in the effort, the course provides a solid foundation for building your profitable copywriting business.

Investing in yourself and your skills is always a wise decision, and joining Jacob McMillen's copywriting course is an excellent way to do just that. I can speak from experience that the journey into entrepreneurship brings far greater growth than simply career growth.

The hardest part is taking the first step and betting on yourself.

Check out Jacob's sales page & sign up here → Take me to The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course!


Do you have other questions, thoughts, or feedback?

Picture of Krista Frahm, leaning on a brown wall with circles, holding her laptop and smiling

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