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  • Writer's pictureKrista Frahm

Finding the Best Copywriting Course: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Updated: Jan 10

Have you been learning about copywriting, but aren’t sure where to begin?

a copywriter's desk with a laptop and additional screen. Also in the frame are plants, a water bottle, and a wireless mouse.

Maybe you've been bombarded with copywriting course ads, but you’re feeling a bit skeptical.

Perhaps you want to switch gears from a different industry—such as teaching, healthcare, law, or IT—into a more flexible copywriting career.

If you nodded yes to any of these, you've landed exactly where you need to be.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll make your path to becoming a copywriter clear and manageable. You'll know how to choose the best copywriting course on the internet (for you) out of the seemingly endless list.

When you find the right course match for your situation and goals, then you’ve found “the best” copywriting course on the internet.

We’ll explain copywriting, highlight some course options, and share how you can maximize your learning from your chosen course. Plus, you’ll gain strategies for ongoing skill development beyond the course so you can continually hone your copywriting skillset and build your career.

By the end of this guide, you'll transition from feeling overwhelmed or confused about selecting a copywriting course, to feeling knowledgeable and confident.

Let’s dive in so you can find the best copywriting course online.

(Want to skip to the end and see my top 2 recommendations? Click here.)

Psst... welcome! Some of the links on this website are affiliate links and I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you if you click the links and then purchase. I only recommend things I 100% believe in and/or have purchased myself.

Before You Can Find The Best Course, Understand Copywriting You Must

In an era of constant digital communication and marketing, the power of words cannot be overstated. That's where copywriting comes into play. It’s a career that masterfully blends creativity, persuasion, and strategic thinking.

Copywriting, at its core, is the art and science of crafting compelling content that prompts readers to take a specific action.

This could mean…

  • Persuading a customer to purchase a product

  • Influencing an audience to subscribe to a newsletter

  • Encouraging readers to share a piece of content with their networks

Copywriting isn't just about putting words together — it's about understanding your audience's needs and desires and tailoring your message to resonate with them.

Effective copywriting is a cornerstone of successful marketing and can profoundly impact a company's brand image and revenue.

Better copy → higher conversion rates → a larger customer base & more sales.

Good copywriting not only connects with an audience but also spurs them to take action.

Learning copywriting opens a world of opportunities for you.

Businesses need skilled copywriters who can convey their messages in an effective and compelling way. Also, getting started with copywriting doesn't require another degree or the mountain of associated debt. It's a skill that can be honed through the right training, practice, and, a passion for writing.

One of the most appealing aspects of copywriting is its accessibility. Regardless of your previous profession (be it teaching, healthcare, food service, the beauty industry, or literally anything else) you can switch to copywriting.

There are copywriters for every industry and with every background. You’ll find “your people” and write for businesses that you’re passionate about.

So, whether you're a seasoned professional seeking a career shift or a beginner ready to dive into a flexible, remote career in copywriting, the right course can set you on the path to success.

(Also... if you're a mom and want specific pros and cons about starting a copywriting career, read this blog too. I don't hold anything back.)

cropped photo of a women with a yellow sweater typing on a laptop like a remote copywriter would do.

The Importance of Choosing the Best Copywriting Course (For You)

In your quest to become a copywriter, enrolling in a course designed to provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge is an excellent first step.

Naturally, you want to find *the best* copywriting course possible if you’re going to launch into a new career.

A well-structured copywriting course offers more than just the basics of writing because copywriting is not like your typical English class writing assignments. (In fact, you’ll have to break some of those habits that got you A’s in school in order to be an effective copywriter. It seems strange, but when you get into the right course it will all make sense, I promise.)

Excellent copywriting courses equip you with the critical tools and techniques that you need in order to create persuasive, compelling copy that converts.

A comprehensive course delves into essential aspects like…

  • Creating gripping headlines

  • Understanding audience psychology

  • Writing compelling CTAs (Calls to Action)

  • Mastering the art of storytelling in copywriting

  • How the copy you write fits into a larger marketing strategy

Choosing the right copywriting course is a game-changer for your writing journey. The best courses provide you with a strong foundation, building upon your existing writing skills while introducing you to the unique aspects of copywriting.

You’ll become a proficient copywriter who understands how to tailor content for different mediums — from blog posts and social media captions to email marketing campaigns and product descriptions. A great copywriting course not only polishes your writing style but also equips you with the necessary strategic thinking that sets successful copywriters apart.

With so many copywriting courses available, how do you determine which course is best for you?

Here are a few factors to consider when choosing a course

Content and Structure

Check if the course covers all the fundamentals of copywriting, such as the psychology of selling, crafting effective headlines, SEO, and direct response copywriting. It should be structured in a way that allows for easy understanding and practical application of learned concepts.

Instructor's Experience

The instructor's expertise in the field greatly affects the quality of the course. Look for courses taught by seasoned copywriters who bring real-world insights to the table.

Practical Assignments

Writing is a skill honed with practice. A good course will incorporate practical assignments and provide some level of feedback — helping you improve your writing skills over time.

Positive Reviews and Testimonials

Consider the feedback from past students. Positive reviews and testimonials usually indicate a course's effectiveness and value. Be careful with what you read on Reddit, as many people post there who have never taken the course and provide inaccurate information. Reddit is also notorious for gaslighting people by saying they’re fools for considering investing in courses and telling them they should learn it all on their own instead. Be careful who you trust over there.

Ongoing Access to the Course Material

Choose a course that allows you to learn at your own pace. Even if you plan to fast-track your copywriting career, you’ll want to review content as you gain experience or book new projects. The best copywriting courses have lifetime access to the content and some type of community or ability to contact the instructor.

Business Basics

Learning how to write copy is a great step… but if you aren’t taught how to start a business or how to get clients then your business venture will be short lived. The best copywriting courses teach you how to start a business and begin earning money.

Price and Payment Plans

Although cost should not be the sole determining factor, it's important to consider if the copywriting course provides good value for the price. Look for courses that fit within your budget but also provide the depth of knowledge you're seeking. You’ll find a wide range of course prices… and you often get what you pay for.

The best-fit copywriting course is a stepping-stone to a rewarding career or a step out of a career that’s currently burning you out.

They empower you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a successful, outcomes-driven copywriter who provides value to your clients and earns a good income.

The best copywriting course for you is the one that ticks the majority of these boxes and aligns with your personal learning style, career goals, and budget.

Is There Really a Best Copywriting Course for Beginners?

There are literally thousands of copywriting courses aimed at beginners online. It’s a bit mind-boggling, right?

Here’s a little secret you may not have heard yet about inexpensive courses for beginners…

😯 They’re almost always part of a marketing funnel to sell you on a more expensive copywriting course.

Now that you know that bit of marketing strategy, you can decide if you want to drop your email address into the free copywriting courses you’ve found online, knowing exactly what you’re signing up for.

🤷🏼‍♀️ Don’t get me wrong, marketing funnels aren’t evil. It’s how almost all online and even brick-and-mortar businesses get customers and encourage those customers to purchase more than once.

But if you’re signing up for a free or super cheap copywriting course, you should know that you’re going to find a sales pitch embedded in there somewhere.

Since there are so many free or inexpensive copywriting courses on the internet, listing them all here would be far too overwhelming.

Two copywriters I know well are Sarah Turner and Jacob McMillen — both who produce high-quality free content online and sell copywriting courses.

  • You can watch Sarah Turner’s masterclass and join her email list which will send loads of excellent information your way.

  • Jacob McMillen doesn’t have a free masterclass that I’m aware of, but he does have a copywriting course called The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course, and his email list is pure gold. (You can join his email list on his home page.)

If you type, “free copywriting course” or “best copywriting course” into Google, you’ll be bombarded with free and low-cost courses. Read through each offer carefully to decide if you’d like to learn from that person and receive marketing emails from them. (You can always unsubscribe.)

The free, short courses won’t help you start a business and gain clients so you can quit your current job. They often say they’ll show you exactly how… but it’s just a broad overview of how to become a copywriter.

If you want to succeed as a copywriter, you’ll need more than a freebie course to launch your business.

The (Actual) Best Copywriting Courses for Aspiring Copywriters

Aside from their free content, Sarah Turner and Jacob McMillen have paid copywriting courses available as noted above. Below, we’ll dive into each course a bit more, and if you still have questions, you’ll find a link to the full, in-depth reviews for each course.

Write Your Way to Freedom (WYWTF), by Sarah Turner

Logo for Sarah Turner and her copywriting course, Write Your Way to Freedom which is one of the best copywriting courses for beginners.

This course provides absolutely everything you need to learn about copywriting, start a business, build your website, create a portfolio, find clients, land those clients, and continue to uplevel your skills to turn a small copywriting dream into reality.

WYWTF includes a hefty dose of coaching from skilled copywriters.

You’ll have access to 2 coaching calls with experienced copywriters on Zoom each week, plus a weekly Q&A session where Sarah Turner answers the questions that you and other students have submitted.

There are also opportunities to have coaches review your copy and provide you direct feedback. PLUS you have lifetime access to the course content and the supportive copywriting community. It’s pretty incredible.

The only downfall to Write Your Way to Freedom… the cost.

The price of WYWTF is currently $5800 for lifetime access to the course and community.

This is a hefty investment… but in all reality, it’s less than going back to school and getting another degree, right?

Start with Sarah Turner’s free copywriting masterclass.

Read the full review of WYWTF here, or get the full, unfiltered scoop about why it’s so expensive here.

The Internet’s Best Copywriting Course (IBCC), by Jacob McMillen

Jacob McMillen's logo who has created one of the best copywriting courses online

This copywriting course covers all the aspects you need to start a copywriting business and turn a profit. You’ll find copywriting and business-building modules, created by an industry expert.

The focus of this course is more on Website copy and SEO, but Jacob is revamping it to fully embrace AI which will really help your future endeavors as a copywriter.

This course is significantly less expensive than WYWTF, which is great, but it doesn’t include a community or any coaching calls. However, Jacob will answer questions via email if students are stuck.

The cost of this course: $997 for lifetime access

Still a significant investment, but this is a cost you can recoup with a few copywriting clients.

Read a full review of Jacob McMillen’s course here or check out his course page.

A few other copywriting course options for you to consider:

Any Course from The Copy Posse, by Alex Cattoni

Copy Posse logo who offers online copywriting courses

Alex is a big name in the copywriting industry and has multiple offers on her website.

You’ll find free challenges and courses which lead to paid offers, including an 8-week course and her membership which is called “Reign”.

The best bet here is to follow along on Instagram or jump into her sales funnel by taking a free course and then see what you think about her teaching style and her offers. The online reviews look pretty solid, so I don’t think you’d go wrong here.

The Copywriter Club, by Rob and Kira

photo of Rob and Kira, sitting casually in front of a yellow brick wall. They offer many copywriting courses.

The Copywriter Club is a well-known community of copywriters with a copywriter accelerator, thank tank, and membership.

The Copywriter AcceleratorTM is for beginning copywriters who want to build a copywriting business foundation in 3 months. I’ve heard great things, but I’d be concerned that 3 months isn’t long enough to create a solid foundation, which leads you straight to the upsell to their more expensive program.

The Copywriter Think TankTM is a 12-month mastermind for experienced copywriters. It’s safe to assume that many people move from the accelerator to the think tank which is 3K+. In order to stay in the copywriting community, they offer a monthly membership for copywriters of all skill levels. Last I checked, the cost is $87/month.

Sales Page Prep School Copywriting Course, by Dani Paige

"For the working copywriter ready to master the most lucrative skill in the bix. Smash through your current income gap, indulge in confidence when you learn to write high converting sales pages" quote plus Dani Paige, copywriter sitting on right side of photo.

This is an example of a specialized copywriting course.

Rather than covering ALL types of copy and copywriting basics, this course is for people who have a bit of an understanding of copywriting but want to specialize in sales page copy only.

Sales pages are the really long pages on a website where the whole goal of the page is to bring the reader through a journey and have them be ready to buy the offer by the end of the page.

They can be tough to write, but they’re also a high-ticket item which means you have to write less of them each month to meet your income goals.

She does include some business basics, information about how to find clients, and monthly support calls and limited copy reviews.

Overall, this is an astounding course and has supercharged my sales page skills and writing capacity. I highly recommend this if you’re considering sales page or direct response copy.

Take Dani Paige’s free sales page course HERE

And check out Sales Page Prep School HERE

While I do think Dani Paige’s course is wonderful, I’d be misleading you if I didn’t give you a little warning about taking a course like this as a brand-new newbie…

A note about copywriting courses that only teach you one type of copy

You’ll find a whole host of copywriting courses that specialize in one specific type of copy such as blogs, emails, sales pages, or ads.

These courses can be incredible as long as you know which type of copy you want to write and will enjoy writing. However, if you’re brand new to copywriting and aren’t sure what arena you’d like to write in, I recommend taking some general courses so you can learn all the different types of copy.

By understanding all types of copy, you’ll be a stronger writer overall and be able to provide strategic recommendations to your clients. Blogs and emails don’t live in isolation… they’re all part of the digital marketing ecosystem.

The sooner you learn all about it the sooner you will become a proficient and well-paid copywriter.

These specialized courses are more beneficial once you understand the foundational knowledge and know for sure which type of copy you want to specialize in.

I invested in Sales Page Prep School after I’d been writing for a few years and knew I wanted to commit to sales pages and direct response copy. But if I had started there I’m not sure my business would’ve been able to get off the ground.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Copywriting Course

Once you've chosen a copywriting course, the real journey begins. It’s normal to feel a whole range of emotions as you step into this new career, especially if you’re transitioning from a different career where you’ve become an expert.

Here's how you can squeeze the maximum benefits out of your chosen course and beyond:

Active Participation

Get involved in every aspect of the course. Watch all the lessons (in order), take part in discussions, and ask questions, even if you feel like they’re dumb questions. Active participation will enhance your understanding and ensure you get the most out of the copywriting course you invested in.

Regular Practice

Copywriting, like any other skill, improves with practice. Use the assignments and exercises in the course as opportunities to practice. Beyond that, create a habit of writing daily. It could be writing ads, creating content for imaginary products, or even rewriting existing copy to make it better.

Implement Feedback

Instructors or peers often provide valuable feedback on assignments. Take their critiques constructively and implement them in your subsequent work. It's one of the fastest ways to improve your writing skills. Don’t worry if you hear the same feedback over and over again. Soon, you’ll integrate it into your practice and your writing skills will grow.

Network in Your Copywriting Course Community

Many courses offer the chance to network with instructors and fellow students. Utilize these opportunities to build relationships and learn from others' experiences. You may even get work passed on to you from writers who have full schedules.

Utilize The Resources

Make the most of all the resources provided in the course, such as reading materials, templates, samples, cheat sheets, etc. These resources can serve as excellent reference points when you are working on real projects.

Hopefully you choose a course that provides lifetime access, but if you don’t, make sure you schedule time regularly to complete the coursework before your access is revoked.

photo of an apple computer, coffee cup and notebook, all white with a light background. Potentially a copywriter's office setup.

You can also continuously improve your copywriting skills beyond the copywriting course by doing the following:

Read Regularly

Reading helps you understand different writing styles and tones. It also expands your vocabulary. Include various forms of copy in your reading list - ads, blog posts, newsletters, etc. Analyze how they persuade the reader and learn from it.

Write Regularly, Even If You Don’t Have a Copywriting Project

Regular writing sharpens your skills and helps you develop your unique voice. You can start a blog, volunteer for a local nonprofit, or write your own marketing materials to make sure you write daily.

Engage in Copywriting Challenges

Several websites and communities run copywriting challenges, which can range from writing persuasive headlines to creating compelling product descriptions. Participating in these challenges can help you apply what you've learned, test your skills, and see how others approach the same task.

Follow and Study Successful Copywriters

Identify successful copywriters and study their work. Consider how they use language, persuade their audience, and structure their content. Subscribe to their newsletters, read their blogs, and follow their social media accounts.

Remember, a course provides the foundation, but continuous learning and practice pave the way for success in the dynamic field of copywriting. Copywriting trends and techniques evolve regularly.

If you joined one of the best copywriting courses on the internet, the content should be updated semi-regularly to reflect new copywriting trends and practices. Keep updated by reading industry blogs, attending webinars, or taking advanced courses. It's a journey of constant growth and development.

The Best Copywriting Course (for you) Recap

In this comprehensive guide, we've discussed copywriting and the possibilities it offers as well as how to choose the best copywriting course for your situation and goals.

We've also armed you with practical strategies to make the most of your chosen course and tips for ongoing skill development beyond the initial course material.

Remember, embarking on a copywriting journey doesn't need to feel like an impossible task. With the right course tailored to your unique needs and aspirations, it can be a fulfilling adventure that includes both personal and professional growth.

Don't hesitate to invest in your copywriting education — it's a critical step towards mastering the art of persuasive writing and launching a successful career.

Now, with a better understanding and newfound confidence, it's time for you to take the leap.

My top 2 copywriting course recommendations are…


Choose the best copywriting course that resonates with your ambitions and kick-start your journey to becoming a skillful copywriter. We're cheering for you every step of the way!

picture on a beach with footprints in the sand and a woman walking away in the distance.

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