Krista Frahm

Jun 18, 202314 min

A Comprehensive Review of Write Your Way to Freedom, Sarah Turner's Copywriting Course

Updated: Feb 16

(Updated Dec 5, 2023)

Are you tired of your job and you're scanning the internet for other, legit options?

Teaching, healthcare, finance, sales, food service... you're tired of the same 'ol grind and low pay. There comes a time when you need a change.

I hear ya β€” I was in your shoes not long ago.

I wanted flexibility to take care of my family and better pay... so I started searching online for a decent paying, work-from-home, flexible job.

I figured I would never find something that met all those criteria - but I was wrong.

If you're searching for how to work from home, chances are Sarah Turner's Write Your Way to Freedom copywriting course has popped up.

But if you're like me, you're still pretty skeptical that you can actually earn money while writing.

It sounds too good to be true, right?

I was a cynic as well, so I'll lay it all out for you in this Write Your Way to Freedom review, and you can decide for yourself if this copywriting course is the right fit for you.

Keep scrolling to read the Write Your Way to Freedom course review... or click below to watch Sarah Turner's Free Copywriting Masterclass

Sarah Turner's Write Your Way To Freedom Course Review

You Want to Skip Ahead? Here's the outline! πŸ‘‡

  • What Is Write Your Way to Freedom & How Does It Work?

  • Your Look Inside the WYWTF Course

  • Who Is Sarah Turner Anyway?

  • The PROS and CONS of WYWTF

  • The WYWTF Community

  • Who is Write Your Way to Freedom For?

  • The Cost (And Refund Policy) of WYWTF

  • Q & A's

What is Write Your Way to Freedom Copywriting Course?

Write Your Way To Freedom β€” abbreviated WYWTF β€” is Sarah Turner's comprehensive, lifetime access copywriting course and mentorship community. WYWTF is an extensive, detailed course for people aspiring to be well-paid, ethical copywriters.

It's a boot camp to build your own profitable business as a writer β€” writing for almost any company or industry you choose.

I write for healthcare business owners and course creators because I want to promote innovations that improve independence, dignity, and quality of life. You can choose anything β€” Etsy crafts, home modifications, pets, plants, construction, maternal health... just about every industry needs copywriting!

Click here to learn about medical copywriting.

WYWTF is more than your average online course with a community attached β€” way more.

WYWTF is detailed and brings you through starting a business and finding clients β€” step by step.

You start nervous but hopeful that the money you just dropped is well spent. Through the process, you transform into a business owner and copywriter with a steady stream of clients and income.

You also develop the confidence to pitch bigger projects to big-name companies because you have a community of writers, extra copy coaches and Sarah Turner herself to help you as you go.

When you panic and think you've taken more than you can handle... bring it to the group. You'll get advice, resources, and reassurance that you have what it takes!

There are also new course improvements and extra coaches that were added in 2022 and are still being improved in 2023 - learn all about these and why the price increased in this blog.

How Does Write Your Way To Freedom Work? [Course Review]

You get instant access to 8 modules (with more being added as I write) that go through everything you need to know to learn copywriting and start your business. Sarah has the course organized so you just have to take small steps each day to make significant progress.

Here's the trick to quick success with WYWTF... follow the course and do the work!

I know, that's not really a trick β€” but I've been in the program long enough to realize that most people try to jump the system and get to the end really fast.

DO πŸ‘πŸΌ THE πŸ‘πŸΌ MODULES πŸ‘πŸΌ (in order)

That's how Write Your Way to Freedom works its magic β€” you go through the course and take action each step of the way. Learning a new skill and creating an online income stream requires actual work.

If you're hoping for a get-rich-quick scheme that requires no work, this isn't the right place for you β€” sorry-not-sorry. This is a no-sleaze marketing community.

Review of The WYWTF Copywriting Course Modules

This is a robust copywriting course. Now that I've seen other copywriting offers and courses I've come to realize just how good this one is.

πŸ’₯ There are a total of 9 modules and 55 lessons to date.

And the best part is Sarah continues to add modules and lessons to the course as needed! She hasn't created this and walked away... she continues to invest, refine, update and improve WYWTF, and you get ALL future updates as a WYWTF student.

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll get inside:

So Who is Sarah Turner Anyway?

πŸ‘†πŸΌ That was my question... actually I said, "Who is this self-proclaimed copywriting expert who thinks she can charge thousands for an online course?"

Seriously... that's exactly what I asked myself and Google before I invested. (I told you I'm a cynic.)

Turns out Sarah is a pretty freaking successful copywriter, and she's been writing for almost a decade. She writes primarily for functional medicine doctors. A quick Google search will bring you to all kinds of articles and press releases about Sarah as well, thanks to the magic of SEO.

Ok... so I found out Sarah Turner is a legit freelance copywriter.

June 2023 update:

She's stepped back from writing recently. She had a baby and has expanded WYWTF, which leaves less time to write for clients.

She coaches aspiring, new and seasoned copywriters, has a YouTube channel with copywriting tips, and she's started a podcast and clothing line... all while focusing on NOT working 40 hours a week or compromising her values.

More than her accomplishments though, Sarah Turner is known for her authenticity and generosity. It's not something you can really understand until you're in her community and interacting with her. She cares about the success of WYWTF students, and she's constantly analyzing to make sure people are getting 100 times more than what they paid for.

This article highlights a few of the killer upgrades to WYWTF in 2022.

I had the honor of working with Sarah Turner in a coaching intensive for 3 months, and she was the exact same person "behind closed doors" and when she shows up for the WYWTF group with 3K + people.

You also have the opportunity to meet Sarah IRL at her WYWTF annual event. You'll see that she's truly the same person when you meet her as you see on the live Q & A's.

Review Summary: What Are The Pros and Cons of Write Your Way To Freedom

Alrighty, you want the summary β€” the PROS and CONS of WYWTF so you can make up your mind and move on with your day.

Write Your Way to Freedom PROS

There are loads of benefits of the WYWTF program

  • It shows you exactly how to start a writing business

  • The course is wicked comprehensive (see the breakdown above)

  • You can actually learn how to make money by writing about topics that interest you

  • It reduces overwhelm by providing structure and small, digestible pieces

  • It covers literally everything you need to know to start and grow your copywriting biz

  • You can earn money WHILE YOU LEARN how to become a copywriter

  • It shows you how to position yourself so you get paid well

  • It guides you to choose a niche that's profitable

  • There's a generous, action-backed refund policy. If you've taken action and decide this program isn't for you, you'll fill out a short application to request a refund.

  • You have a community of writers for support the whole time (more about the community later in this article)

Write Your Way to Freedom CONS

Everything in life has drawbacks, right? Here are a few CONS of the WYWTF program:

  • The cost. It's a hefty investment, especially if you're in a low-paying job or you've just been laid off.

  • It doesn't provide templates for copywriting. It provides the information and guidance, but as a new copywriter, I wanted templates (The lack of templates is intentional because of Sarah's philosophy... but it made me crazy when I was a newbie!)

  • The live Q&A sessions are great for my timezone... but not great for some international people.

  • You still have to pay for a website and domain, professional email address, and other minimal software expenses. (This is true for every copywriting course I've looked into though. Your business will own the software and domain... so it makes sense that it doesn't come with the course.)

πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ I really do feel like there's not much to complain about with WYWTF. The cost is the main factor that would hold me back if I were in your shoes.

Sarah doesn't hold parts of the course back. You have what you need inside the WYWTF course.

NEW IN 2022/2023 and beyond: There's a high-level/mastermind coaching opportunity being rolled out for more experienced copywriters. This may be available in the future as you grow your business.

WYWTF delivers everything that's promised (and more) without spending more than your initial investment... and as your business expands, there may be opportunities to invest in more intensive mentorship.

Sarah offered a short business accelerator, and now there's a mastermind... it's a great example of running your business in a way that fits your phase of life and choices as well as being responsive to your audience.

The Write Your Way to Freedom Copywriting Community Review

The WYWTF community is the secret sauce that brings this copywriting course to a whole different level. It's also one aspect I disregarded at first when I joined... because I figured a group couldn't really be that useful, right? (Wrong!)

The WYWTF community is astounding - and it's moved off FB so there are less distractions when you try to connect with other writers.

It's a vibrant, supportive community of people on the same journey as you. Some writers have been in the community for a few years β€” and they're still active and willing to lend a hand to new writers.

You can get input from writers who are more experienced, and you can find accountability partners, editing peers, and people you vibe with so you never feel alone.

This is a place to celebrate your wins and get encouragement during your low points - because you're going to experience both highs and lows as a business owner.

Sometimes, you're on top of the world and everything in your business is rolling. It's nice to have people who will celebrate WITH YOU without any shame.

Other times you'll get negative feedback from a client or have a big deal fall through. It sucks when this happens, but knowing others have experienced the same helps you realize that you'll rally and be stronger through the difficult times.

The WYWTF Community is on Circle, and is set up to be a bit like Facebook as far as navigation goes. Even if you've never heard of Circle, you'll figure it out quickly. Sarah and her team also set up an onboarding sequence that walks you through how to succeed on Circle. Don't sweat this part at all.

Who is Sarah Turner's Copywriting Course For?

I know this sounds clichΓ© ... but almost anyone. (Insert eye-roll, I know.)

WYWTF is for you if you have ANY interests, passions, life experiences, willingness to learn, and a decent work ethic (psst... that doesn't mean working 40+ hours a week.)

Man, woman, professional, stay-at-home mom, single, married, GED, or master's degree... copywriters are a diverse group!

πŸ’« Write Your Way To Freedom is for people who are tired of their jobs or tired of not having a job.

πŸ’« It's for people who don't want to ask for time off to take their kids to the doctor or help at the class party.

πŸ’« It's for parents at home with their kids or retirees who want to earn some money without losing their flexibility or putting their family second.

(To learn more about the best & worst of copywriting as a mom, check out this blog.)

This program is beginner-friendly, which means you don't need experience in writing or a master's degree in English. But if you have a doctorate and 20 years of professional experience that's ok too.

Whatever your background, experience, and passions are will lead you to the right-fit clients. People with wildly different backgrounds will find different clients.

It's like a middle-school dance where everyone sorts themselves out and finds "their people." (Just without all the awkwardness.)

How Much Is Sarah Turner's Write Your Way To Freedom?

Bottom line, no fluff, you want to know what this thing costs.

As far as I know, the course costs $5800 -- and yes, payment plans are available. A new option with even lower monthly payments was added in December 2023. It's through 3rd party funding, similar to financing a car or taking out student loans.

WYWTF was 2K when I joined, which seemed high when I was new... but now that I've looked at other online courses and experienced the transformation from WYWTF, I'd say it was wildly underpriced. Hindsight is always 20/20 though, right?

There are now way more opportunities for direct feedback and coaching within WYWTF, which means you get expert eyes on your writing before you send it to your new clients.

Read more about the price of WYWTF and the upgrades to the program in 2022 & 2023 by clicking here.

Write Your Way to Freedom Includes an Action-Based, 14-day Money-Back Guarantee

You don't have to take my word for it β€” you can join and then get a refund if you start into the course and it's less than what you hoped for.

There's a 14-day action-backed refund policy for WYWTF. This gives you two full weeks to look around and check out the community.

When I joined, I had the refund date circled on my calendar β€” I was that worried that I was getting scammed. I even started with the payment plan just in case I wouldn't be able to get my money back.

I was pleasantly surprised when I started the course, and then as I get deeper into the content and started to engage in the community and Q&A sessions I was floored at the amount of value, and I'm sure you will. be too.

The refund policy has changed oh so slightly in June 2023. If you decide it's not the copywriting course for you, you'll fill out a short application to request a refund. This allows the team to provide the extra support you need to fulfill your dream of launching a copywriting business, or at least hear your reasons so they can continue to make this the best copywriting course around.

More Questions About Write Your Way To Freedom?

Here are some common questions I get about being a copywriter and WYWTF:

1. Is Sarah Turner's Write Your Way to Freedom Legit?

Asked and answered. YES.

This is the only online course/program I used to start a successful copywriting business from scratch. I learned to create my website, market myself, and craft killer copy to help my clients meet their goals... or exceed their goals!

In fact, Sarah Turner's company made it onto the Inc5000 list in 2023. They ranked number 24 in education. This is an accolade that you can't buy your way into... it's earned. So yes, it's a legit business.

2. Is it normal that I'm scared about trying copywriting?

Absolutely. I was terrified.

Scared to tell my family, scared to say anything. at work, scared that my friends would find out and laugh at me, scared I'd be seen as less professional because I was switching out of clinical care... anxiety and fear sat right next to me during this process!

I doubted myself - daily. But I kept going and trusted the process. You can too.

3. Do I need writing experience to start a copywriting business?


Crazy right? It's ok if you've never done any formal writing, never published an article, or even if you struggled in school with lit classes.

You do need to be fairly fluent in the English language β€” OR write for companies in your native language. (there are bilingual copywriters in the group who write for bilingual companies... they also rely on editing to catch pesky grammatical errors.)

4. I have kids at home, will copywriting work for me?

Yep -- although as you know, kids require a lot of time and energy, so be prepared to set good boundaries around work and ask for help from others. You shouldn't expect yourself to do everything solo like a superhero.

If you want to know the unfiltered truth about Starting a Copywriting Business as a Mom, <<< that blog is for you.

Also, Here's my story that includes starting my copywriting business while homeschooling 2 kids (Not Zoom schooling) and working part time at the hospital.

And here's a blog about working from home & homeschooling.

I hope those help! There are a lot of parents and stay-at-home-moms in the WYWTF community. There's even a "Moms Group" within the circle community since there are unique challenges that face moms starting a business.

5. The Reviews of Write Your Way to Freedom on Reddit give different information... what's the truth?

I've read the comments, reviews and information about Write Your Way to Freedom on Reddit as well. It's a weird place over there, right?

There are two main things happening on Reddit.

People are...

  • Selling their own courses, but pulling the search traffic for other courses.

  • Disgruntled and angry and they want to bring others down as well.

    Many of the people writing those comments are connected to a different copywriting course and they're fishing for sales by using keywords like "Write Your Way to Freedom" and then slandering the course and pointing to their course instead.

    The other people are angry and cynical. They may have marketing degrees and feel threatened by online courses, or they tried an online course and didn't get results so now they are on a crusade to share their frustrations.

    The information shared on Reddit about the course content, levels of support, and outcomes for WYWTF is often inaccurate or outdated. It's the wild wild west on there - be careful what you believe! I'd always cross-reference the information with other review blogs so you can make an informed decision.

So with the cost of Write Your Way to Freedom... is Sarah Turner's Copywriting Course Worth The Investment?

Dec 2023 Update: Sarah has partnered with 3rd party funding to make WYWTF more accessible to people who need lower monthly payments. They'll do a soft pull of your credit (which won't hurt your score) and then a funding specialist will review your options with you so you can make the final decision feeling informed and empowered.

Yep β€” from the course content, to the Q&A support where you'll get your exact questions answered, to the community where you'll find your new business besties β€” this is absolutely worth it.

The amount of WYWTF students who work at home with pets is astounding.

If you're feeling stuck and frustrated in your job, or you want to stay home with your kids and still earn money, copywriting is something you should consider.

Imagine having flexible hours, taking time off when you want, only working with clients who are well aligned with your own values, and building a business that supports you and your family for years to come.

You've found it!

Welcome to the Write Your Way to Freedom community of copywriters.

Your next step is to take the free Masterclass, where Sarah Turner introduces you to copywriting, how to start a business and helps you see the potential for your situation.

Then you can schedule a Strategy Session with Sarah and her team to ask any last questions before joining WYWTF.

I'll see you in the WYWTF Facebook community! Cheers to investing in yourself, your health, and your future.

What does remote, flexible work mean to me? Traveling and being with my kids more.

What about you?

Here's a picture from our trip to Hawaii, where I had loads of beach time and also booked two new projects in our down time.

Working at home means you have to improvise a bit for screen lifts... and share your desk with fur-babies who want to look out the window.

Write Your Way to Freedom Review Summary

WYWTF currently costs $5800, and there are payment plans available. (There's also an action-backed refund policy.)

Here's what you get when you join:

  • 50+ lessons that are frequently updated to stay current with market trends.

  • Weekly life Q & A calls available to you for life.

  • 2 live coaching sessions (on Zoom) each week for the first year that you're in the program. The coaches teach copy topics, answer questions, and can often look over your work during these calls.

  • A supportive copywriting community to bring questions, fears, wins, and find your new business besties in.

  • Complimentary edits from a professional editing team as you start your business. (Once you're earning money then you can hire a separate editor.)

Do I still think WYWTF is "worth it" and "legit" even though the price has increased since I joined a few years ago? --- Yes.

I know it's a big investment. It's also scary to bet on yourself and believe that you can do something different. I hear this fear in almost every group of people - stay at home moms, medical professionals, teachers, corporate employees, and bartenders. We all have the same core fears of failing and looking stupid for taking a risk.

When you envision your life next year or two years from now, what do you want it to look like?

The same as it is right now... or something totally different?

If you want something different then you have to DO something different. You never know where your path may lead. It may be writing or you may use this as a stepping stone to something you haven't considered yet.
